Technology Tools For Efficient Estate Planning And Probate Management

Estate planning and probate management can be intricate and time-consuming, often involving many legal and financial complexities. Fortunately, technological advancements have paved the way for efficient tools that simplify these tasks, making them more manageable for individuals and professionals alike. S Brad Dozier shares cutting-edge technology tools to streamline estate planning and probate management.

Digital Estate Planning Platforms

Traditional estate planning involved mountains of paperwork and manual documentation. Today, digital estate planning platforms like “Tomorrow” and “Everplans” offer a user-friendly interface to securely organize and store essential documents. Users can create and update their wills, designate beneficiaries, and manage their assets all in one convenient digital space.

These platforms also often provide educational resources – guiding users through the intricacies of estate planning – ensuring that they make informed decisions regarding their assets and beneficiaries.

Virtual Notary Services

Executing legal documents often requires notarization, which traditionally involves physical presence. However, with the advent of virtual notary services such as “Notarize” and “DocuSign Notary,” individuals can now have their documents notarized online. This technology expedites the process and enhances accessibility, allowing individuals to complete crucial legal steps from the comfort of their homes.

Cloud-Based Document Storage

Keeping track of important legal documents is a key aspect of estate planning. Cloud-based document storage services like Google Drive, Dropbox, and Microsoft OneDrive provide a secure and easily accessible repository for storing wills, trusts, and other essential documents. This ensures that all relevant parties, including legal professionals and family members, can access the necessary information promptly.

Estate Inventory Apps

Managing and distributing assets during probate can be a complex task. Estate inventory apps, such as “Sortly” and “Evernote,” enable users to create detailed inventories of their assets, including personal belongings, real estate, and financial accounts. These apps can be particularly useful for executors and legal professionals organizing and distributing assets during probate.

Blockchain For Digital Assets

As digital assets become more prevalent, it’s crucial to incorporate them into the estate planning process. Blockchain technology offers a secure and transparent way to manage digital assets, including cryptocurrencies, digital art, and intellectual property. Platforms like “Safe Haven” and “DigiPulse” leverage blockchain to enable users to designate beneficiaries for their digital assets, ensuring a smooth transfer of ownership in the event of incapacity or death.

Probate Management Software

For legal professionals handling probate cases, probate management software can be a game-changer. Tools like “Clio” and “MyCase” help streamline case management, document organization, and communication with clients. These platforms often include features like task tracking, document automation, and secure client portals, making the probate process more efficient and transparent.

Digital Legacy Services

In the digital age, our online presence and digital assets are becoming increasingly significant. Digital legacy services, such as “Afternote” and “Dead Man’s Switch,” address the management of one’s online accounts and digital footprint after death. These tools allow users to designate digital heirs who will gain access to and manage their digital assets, social media accounts, and other online subscriptions. 

This helps preserve one’s digital legacy and prevents potential identity theft or misuse of online accounts. Integrating digital legacy services into estate planning ensures a comprehensive approach that extends beyond traditional assets, considering the increasingly important role that our digital lives play in the modern world.


Integrating technology tools into estate planning and probate management brings a positive shift in an otherwise intricate and often emotionally charged process. These tools empower individuals to take control of their estates, simplify legal processes, and ensure a smoother transition of assets to their intended beneficiaries. As technology continues to advance, the landscape of estate planning and probate management will undoubtedly witness further innovations, providing even greater accessibility, efficiency, and peace of mind for everyone involved. Embracing these technological solutions can be a significant step toward a more streamlined and effective approach to estate planning and probate management in the digital age.