A Day In My Paleo Life

A Day in My Paleo Life

The most common comments I receive from people who are curious about adopting a Paleo lifestyle regard the balance of freedoms and restrictions. I understand that a vast amount of frustrated dieters have willingly subjected themselves to certain nutritional plans, but quickly discover that the rules do not always coincide with their lifestyles. There are literally thousands of nutritional plans available out there, but only the Paleo Diet melds perfectly with normal human lifestyles.

The frustration with other plans is perfectly understandable. Extremely formulaic diets require radical shifts in eating, shopping, relating with others, and almost everything else. One of the benefits of the Paleo Diet is that it doesn’t restrict. It enhances! Paleo nutrition works perfectly with the human body. It satisfies taste buds, as well as, most body systems. It is attractive to the dieter, and is easy to understand for the dieter’s friends and family.

The goal of the Paleo Diet is to put the body back into a natural state. Once it is digesting foods properly, the body can regain a proactive hold on its metabolism. It will burn calories at optimal levels, extract nutrients in a streamlined fashion, and make repairs to cells and tissues with no interruption.

The problem with most commercial diets is that they require unattractive eating plans, and are dropped quickly. Paleo Diet protocols are filled with attractive food options. In fact, it is almost too easy to switch to Paleo and remain on a regimen for long enough to experience the benefits.

Many people have expressed their fascination with my dedication to the Paleo Diet. They are especially interested in my day-to-day lifestyle. They want to understand a typical daily experience for someone who is absolutely convinced by, and committed to, the Paleo lifestyle. In response, I would love to take everyone through a day in my life.

They’ve asked for it, so here it is! I’m not going to spare the details! Here is what a typical day on the Paleo Diet looks like for me.


6:00 AM

This weekend I enjoyed a great deal of doing house repairs and some physical exertion at the gym. In a past era, I would have awakened to stiff joints and a bloated feeling. I have been on the Paleo Diet for some time, so there are loads of beneficial oils helping my body. I also have zero bloat because I drink plenty of water, and have no refined sugars sitting in my gut. I feel rested, and ready for a little morning exercise.

6:15 AM

Bathroom time (I said I wouldn’t spare the details).

It was a successful trip to bathroom. There was no pain, no waiting, no discomfort, and nothing unexpected. I achieved complete elimination, and now have a wonderful light feeling.

6:30 AM

30 minutes on the treadmill. I’m a runner/walker, and love to have an initial sweat to start the day. It wakes me fully, and keeps my body burning calories all day long.

7:00 AM


5 egg whites/3 yolks

4 oz. chicken breast

2 whole kiwis

32 oz. water

I absolutely love this combination. I cook the proteins in olive oil, and scramble them. This is a favorite of mine because the richness and tartness combination somehow makes my brain fire perfectly.

8:30 AM

Work—just like everyone else. My job is rather sedentary, but the early exercise and foods are working to keep my metabolism fired-up.

10:30 AM

My mid-morning meal must be quick. It consists of two handfuls of raw nuts (cashews and almonds), and one large wedge of crisp cabbage and a little salt. This combination provides minerals and vitamins that help with muscle contractions and energy. I also swig another 32 oz. of water at this point. I try to drink at least one ounce of water per pound of body weight each day. A good amount of water in the morning keeps my stomach full and satiated. The other elements of the meal make my body feel fueled and renewed.

* At this point, I have used the restroom (#1), four times since I woke up. It’s a wonderful feeling to be empty, and flowing freely. Keep in mind, every time I go, I am eliminating fat cells and toxins.

12:30 PM


12 oz. chuck steak with butter glaze

Large bowl of kale, bean sprouts, and wild rice

Vinegar dressing for taste

16 oz. water

This combination is packed with minerals and fats that work as fuel. Mid-day is when hardcore dieters experience the most negative setbacks to their muscle and organ functions. This isn’t true on the Paleo Diet. My body is expecting rich and fatty rewards, and I energetically provide it.

3:00 PM

Mid-afternoon meal

1 can Albacore tuna in water

2 cups brown rice

½ sliced English cucumber

32 oz. water

I know, this daily eating regimen is looking something like what a champion bodybuilder would eat. Ever wonder how bodybuilders stay so lean, retain so much muscle integrity, and still have the energy to workout twice each day? There’s is a great connection between world class fitness dieting and the Paleo philosophy. I love to exercise, so I have adopted a Paleo+bodybuilding mentality.

5:00 PM

Work is done. The gym is next.

At this point I love to head to the gym and workout. Formal gym training is not necessary on the Paleo Diet, but added exertion helps the body to use raw nutrients in the best ways. I balance my workouts with about 45 minutes of weight training, and 20 minutes of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) to accelerate my fitness. At the end of my workout, I drink water with a post-workout supplement of branch chain amino acids (BCAA). These beneficial acids are found in all the foods of the Paleo Diet, but I like to replenish with a concentrated dose.

6:30 PM

Home and dinner.

1 large chicken breast

Steamed vegetables (up to 3-4 pounds), with spices like paprika and black pepper

16 oz. water

Usually, people are tired and full at the end of the day. This isn’t true on the Paleo Diet. My body has been working diligently to digest. Since my mid-morning meal, I have used the bathroom around seven times. Needless to say, my entire digestive tract is cleared, and I do not have physical fatigue. I even feel invigorated after my workout.

7:30 PM

Relaxation, entertainment, family, and of course more water!

9:30 PM

Handful of raw nuts.

10:30 PM

To bed. Since I have been on a Paleo routine, I notice that I can fall asleep more quickly. I do not experience muscle pains, and I do not have dry-mouth like I did as a kid. I wake a few times in the night to use the restroom, but there is never hesitation. There is nothing like eliminating a full bladder, and knowing that it’s because my body is working properly.

There you have it—a sample day.

Everyone should understand that I don’t do exactly the same things everyday. I substitute protein sources. I get creative with fruits and vegetables. I always consume massive amounts of water, and I exercise at least four days of the week. Every morning on the Paleo Diet I wake to a definite set of abs, and I am mentally ready to tackle the day. Paleo Dieting is absolutely aligned with how the human body is supposed to perform. It’s simplicity always results in positive body changes, and overall feelings of strength and vitality.

Bill Bronchick has a long history within the food industry. He comes from a line of restaurateurs, and has a special interest in how food preparation affects human wellness. He is a recognized author of cookbooks that teach people how to return to nutritious and healthful food basics.